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Mozambique Order December 1890

Extract from the "Official Bulletin" of the Province of Mozambique of December 27, 1890. Portaria

WHEREAS it is desirable to give facilities to traders passing from place to place in this province, and, as far as possible to save them all delay and formalities;

Whereas under the Decree, having force of law, dated the 10th November, 1887, persons going to the port of Lourenço Marques are no longer required to take out passports;

Whereas passports have long ago been abolished in the Provinces of Angola and Cape Verde, so far as concerns passage from one place to another in the province, and whereas experience has shown that no inconvenience to good order and public security has arisen therefrom, notwithstanding that Angola has a penal Settlement like Mozambique;

Whereas, in the Table of stamp duties for the provinces beyond the seas, the fees for passports for the interior were abolished on the understanding that this measure would cause no loss to the public Treasury ;

Whereas the Government Council has been consulted, and whereas I am authorized thereto by the Government of His Majesty, in virtue of the powers conferred upon me by paragraph 2 of Article 15 of the First Additional Act to the Constitutional Charter of Mozambique;

I think proper to order as follows:—

1. All free persons, in the full enjoyment of their civil and political rights, whether Portuguese subjects or foreigners, may pass from one port to another within the the province, or from any point of the coast to the interior of the province, in case they are going to regions outside Portuguese territory, without the necessity of taking out passports.

2. This order does not invalidate the provisions of the Royal Decrees of the 3rd February, 1875, and of the 18th July, 1876, respecting the emigration of natives to the Colonies of Natal and of the Cape of Good Hope in case they intend embarking at Lourenço Marques, nor the Regulations or other provincial provisions on the above subject and on the clandestine emigration of natives.

Let the authorities and others concerned obey this order and act according to it.

(Signed) J. MACHADO, Governor-General.