1000 - 1100: Intros / Why we’re here
1100 - 1130: Break
1130 - 1300: First presentations & Q&A (Presenters 1, 2, 3,)
1300 - 1400: Lunch
1300 - 1400: Lunch
1400 - 1530: Second presentations & Q&A (Presenters 4, 5)
1000 - 1130: Reflections & Goals
1130 - 1230: Lunch
1230 - 1330: Brainstorm Session 1 (DH 2023)
1330 - 1345: Break
1345 - 1530: Brainstorm Session 2 (DH 2023)
We are also looking forward to sharing preliminary ideas for future events. Our hope is to keep building community among DH practitioners on the African continent. We are excited to brainstorm ideas that could enable us to bring digital humanities scholars together, and benchmark what DH on the African continent and in the diaspora looks like. We believe networking and collaborating will encourage a sharing of resources and strategies.