Treaty with Muzila, December 2,1861.
TERMS proposed by the Governor of the Lourenço Marques district. Lieutenant-Colonel of the Portuguese army, Onofre Loureuço de Andrada, to the Chieftain Muzila, for the concession of assistance requested by him from this Government: the former acting for His Most Faithful Majesty the King of Portugal, and the latter in his own name and that of his successors: terms accepted by the said Chieftain Muzila without constraint or opposition, and in the presence of the under-named witnesses:—
1. The Chieftain Muzila, after taking oath according to his custom and practice, remains a tributary Chieftain and subject of the Portuguese Crown, as well as all his subordinates, obeying all orders issued from this Government of Loureço Marques.
2. The said Chieftain will impose on all his subordinates the utmost respect and esteem towards all "molungos” (Portuguese) in transit through his dominions; and whenever there may he a breach of this rigorous duty, he, Muzila, shall immediately order the culprit to he severely punished, as an example—the privileges of this clause are extended to all negroes from the dominions of the Crown who may visit Muzila’s territories in public or in private service, whether by order of the Government or of any inhabitant of the country.
3. The commerce and chase of all animals will be free to all. Portuguese who may go or send to that effect to the dominions of the said Chieftain Muzila, and, far from hindering them, he will protect them to the extent of his power.
4. The Chieftain Muzila will permit the construction in his own dominions of all fortifications that the Portuguese Government may consider necessary for the defence and security of the same; and also, all small or large plantations that the said Government, or any private person of Portuguese nationalily, may think proper to lay or have laid in territories most to the latter’s convenience; and not only the said Muzila will not oppose them, but will even direct their choice to the most productive soil if so asked.
5. The Portuguese flag shall be hoisted in the village where the said Chieftain Muzila may reside, and he shall not declare war with any people without previously informing this Government his motives for so acting, except it be to defend himself from any act of aggression made in his territory; and, in this case also and immediately thereafter, he must inform the Government of Lourenço Marques of the fact.
6. The territories of Moamba, Cherinha, Manhica, and Jujote, on this side of the Incomati River, are, from this day, subjected and tributary to the Portuguese Crown, and none else will have a right to tribute them.
7. All “ milando ” (Kaffir dialect) or controversy between white or negro inhabitants of the Crown dominions and Muzila’s subordinates will be judged at this fortress in the Governor’s presence, or of any person by him appointed.
8. The Chieftain Muzila, as soon as he entersinto possession of his dominions, will return to this fortress all the refugee negro slaves, and will so continue to do every time any slave belonging to the said fortress seeks a shelter in his territories.
9. The CMeftain Muzila will understand that the respect and esteem imposed by Article 2 are extensive to all “molungos” (Portuguese) of Inhambane, Sofala, Bazaruto, Manica, Senna, and Tete, all brethren to the Portuguese of Lourenço Marques.
10. The Portuguese Government is bound to help the said Chieftain Muzila and his successors, wheneverso required, with armed forces, against all aggression made on territories occupied by them, so long as the said Chieftain scrupulously complies with the duties announced in the foregoing Articles.
11. The Portuguese Government undertakes the construction of a house made of masonry (as is in use in this fortress) for the private use of the said Chieftain Muzila and-successors, and at the village by him chosen for his residence.
12. The Portuguese Government undertakes to defray all expenses of education im Portuguese institutionsfor two or more sons of the CMeftain Muzfla, that the same may desire to be so-educated.