IN view of the Report submitted to me by the Minister and Secretary of State for the Department of Marine and Colonies ;
In accordance with the opinion of the Consultative Board for the Colonies, and with the advice of the Council of Ministers;
Availing myself of the authority conferred upon my Government in virtue of the first paragraph of Article 15 of the Eirst Additional Act to the Constitutional Charter of the Kingdom:
I hereby decree as follows:—
Article 1. The navigation of the Rivers Zambesi and Shiré, in so far as they are under the sovereignty, protectorate, or influence of Portugal, is free for the vessels of all nations, in accordance with the principles which the Governments of France and Great Britain agreed to establish on the Niger, in virtue of the General Act of the Conference of Berlin in 1885.
Art. 2. The Governor-General of the Province of Mozambique will submit the necessary Regulations for the safety and police supervision of the said navigation, which Regulations must be drawn up in the sense of facilitating the passage of merchant-vessels.
Art. 3. Any Laws in opposition thereto are hereby revoked.
The aforesaid Minister and Secretary of State shall accordingly carry this Decree into effect.
Given at the Palace, the 18th November, 1890.