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Portuguese Treaty "Diairio do Governo" 1

Extract from the "Diario do Governo" of November 20, 1890. Decree.


IN view of the Report made to me by the Minister and Secretary of State for the Marine and Colonial Department;

In accordance with the opinion of the Consultative Board for the Colonies, and with the advice of the Council of Ministers;

Availing myself of the powers conferred upon the Government in virtue of the first paragraph of Article 15 of the First Additional Act to the Constitutional Charter of the Ringdom;

I hereby decree as follows:—

Article 1. The transit, as provided in Article 70 of the Decree of the 30th July, 1877, of merchandize consigned, either by land or by the waterways, to the foreign territories adjoining the Portuguese territory on the north or south, or to the regions situated beyond the confluence of the Rivers Zambesi and Shiré, through the Custom-houses of the Province of Mozambique, mentioned in the 11th Article of that Decree, is hereby allowed to be carried on under the same conditions between the port of Beira (Pugwen Bay) and the sphere of British influence.

Art. 2. Custom-houses or Customs stations will be established at Beira and at any points on the internal frontier of the Province of Mozambique where they may be required, for the purpose of carrying the preceding Article into effect; the Governor-General of the province will submit to the Government the list of the Customs officials required in the said Custom-houses.

Art. 3. Any Laws in opposition thereto are hereby revoked.

The aforesaid Minister and Secretary of State shall accordingly carry this Decree into effect.

Given at the Palace, the 18th November, 1890

(Signed) THE KING. (Countersigned) ANTONIO JOZÉ ENNES.