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Anglo Portuguese Treaty Lisbon 1890


Article 1. The Treaty concluded on the 20th August last between Portugal and England, with reference to their respective spheres of influence in Africa, is approved, in order that it may be ratified by the Executive Power, subject to the following declarations.:—

(1.) That the commercial and fluvial régime, as laid down in the Treaty, does not apply to the ancient Portuguese Province of Angola.

(2.) That the question of transit was alone regulated by the Treaty, and therefore the right of Portugal, as far as regards the levying of import and export duties, remains wholly unfettered.

(3.) That the clause requiring the previous consent of England for the cession of the territories specified in the Treaty will be changed into a simple reservation of a right of preference in favour of England.

(4.) That the clause which provides for the appointment of an engineer by the British Government to carry out the surveys for the Pungwé Railway will be modified in the sense that an engineer of a neutral nation is to be appointed.

Art. 2. Any law's contrary thereto are revoked.

(Signed) E. R. HINTZE RIBEIRO. Foreign Department, Lisbon, September 15, 1890.