Treaty made at Mbewe, in the Makololo country, on the River Shiré, this 24th day of September, in the year 1889, between John Buchanan, Esq., Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, &c, her heirs and successors, on the one part, and the undersigned Mlauli, for his heirs and successors, on the other part.
I, THE undersigned Mlauli, do in the presence of Headmen and people assumbled at this place, hereby promise:—
1. That there shall be peace between the subjects of the Queen of England and my subjects.
2. That British subjects shall have free access to ll parts of the Makololo country and the River Shiré, and shall have the right to build houses and possess property according to the laws in force in this country ; that they shall have full liberty to carry on such trade or manufacture as may be approved by Her Majesty ; and should any difference arise between the aforesaid British subjects and me, the said Mlauli, as to the duties or customs to be paid to me, the said Mlauli, or the Headmen of the towns in my country, by such British subjects, or as to any other matter, that the dispute shall be referred to a fuly authorized Representative of Her Majesty, whose decision in the matter shall be binding and final.
3. That I, the said Mlauli, will at no time whatever cede any of my territory to any other Power, or enter into any Agreement, Treaty, or arrangement with any foreign Government except through and with the consent of the Government of Her Majesty the Queen of England, &c.
Done at Mbewe this 24th day of September, 1889.
I, John Buchanan, Her Majesty's Acting Consul for Nyassa, do hereby swear that Mlauli, here present, superstitiously afraid of putting his hand to this paper, has authorized me, in the presence of Katunga and Masea, Makololo Chiefs, and of a great number of his people, and of all the undersigned witnesses, to make the above mark on his behalf.
Signed in the presence of—
(Signed) John W. Moir, Manager, African Lakes Company (Limited). ADAM MCCULLOCH, Trader. DONALD MALOTTA. THOMAS FAULKNER. FRED.We, the Undersigned, do swear that we have truly and honestly interpreted the terms of the foregoing Agreement to the Contracting Parties in the Chinyanja language.
(Signed) John W. Moir DONALD MALOTTA.Witness to signatures:
(Signed) JOHN BUCHANAN, Her Majesty's Acting Consul.