Know all men by these present that I King Naimbanna chief of Sierra Leone on the Grain Coast of Africa by and with the consent of the other Kings, Princes, Chiefs, and Potentates subscribing hereto. In consideration of the present as by a list annexed now made me by Captain John Taylor of His Britannic Majesty in behalf of and for the sole benefit of the free community of Settlers, their Heirs and Successors lately arrived from England and under the protection of the British Government have granted and by these present do grant and forever quit claim to a certain district of land for the settling of the said free community to be their's, their heirs and successors forever. That's to say all the land, wood, water, etc, which are contained from the Bay Common called Frenchman's Bay, but by these presents changes to St. George's Bay coastwise up the river Sierra Leone to Gambia Island and Southerly or inland from the river side twenty miles. And forth be it known unto all men that I King Naimbanna do faithfully promise and swear for my Chief Gentlemen, and People likewise, Heirs and Successors, that I will bear true allegiance to His most Gracious Majesty George the third, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, &c &c &c . . . That the customs payable by vessels anchoring in St. George's Bay shall pay Ten Bars to the Free Settlers and Subjects of his Britannic Majesty. And the Customs paid for watering to be paid to King Naimbanna his representatives or successors. That is to say Fifteen Bars as customary.
A List of the Presents given in consideration for Completing the Purchase of Land, &c, hereunder annexed, viz:
- One embroidered bersode coat, waistcoast, and breeches.
- A crimson satin embroidered waistcoast.
- A lead coloured satin coat, waistcoat, and breeches.
- A mock diamond ring.
- Two pairs of pistols.
- One telescope. Two pairs of gold earrings with necklaces and drops.
- Eight dozefn??] bottles of wine.
- One puncheon of rum.
- A tierce or three hundredweight of pork.
- One box of smoking pipes.
- Seven muskets. Twenty points of tobacco.
- One piece of fine white cotton or calico.
- Ten pounds of beads in lots.
- Two cheeses weighing twenty-eight pounds.
- Two hundred gun flints.
- One dozen bottles of red port wine.
This is to certify to all to whom these presents may come, that we whose names are hereunto subscribed maketh oath that the purchase of the land, &c, made by Captain Thompson was not (to our certain knowledge) valid; it having been purchased from people who had no authority to sell the same.